Primul eveniment SpacedIn la Cluj

SpacedIn organizeaza primul eveniment fizic in afara Bucurestiului si vine la Cluj pe 23 Martie, intre orele 20:00-21:30 la Centrul pentru Tineret Cluj-Napoca (Strada Iuliu Maniu nr. 1).
Rares Bisag (fondator SpacedIn), Bogdan Teodorescu (mentor pe Astronomie) si Simonel David (Community Manager la Romanian Space Initiative) iti vor raspunde la tot felul de intrebari despre industria spatiala:
  • Ce activitati pot face daca sunt pasionat de spatiu?
  • Cum poti ajunge sa ai un job in domeniu?
  • Ce ar trebui sa studiezi?
  • Exista industrie spatiala in Romania?

Space is more than an industry, it is a context!

SpacedIn Bucharest is an educational center for middle school and high school pupils formed around the ambition to bring quality space education to Romania.

Fondatorii SpacedIn: Rareș Bișag, Alina Vizireanu și Adrian Dumitrescu

What we do

SpacedIn Bucharest proposes a set of classes that can help you understand what lies behind a step on the Moon or how you can contribute to the next space adventures of humankind.

We deliver courses both in the public and in the private sectors, in Romanian and in English. If you wish to collaborate outside of the offering currently on our website, please do not hesitate and contact us!

If this all sounds exciting, scroll through to find out more about us and our courses.

About our Courses

Înscrierile sunt deschise pentru Primăvara lui 2023!

The SpacedIn courses have kicked-off in October 2022 and they are divided in two categories: an introductory course and four thematic courses that are running in parallel. We advise you to take advantage of the bundle that features an introductory course and a thematic course to get the full experience. Based on demand we will have separate middle school and high school groups. Most of our content is easily adaptable between the two age groups.

Cursuri Introductive: 6 - 17 Februarie

If you are curious about what happens in the sky, how we use space and why we work so hard not only to send satellites into orbit, but to go to other planets in person, then you are in the right place. Our introductory course covers all of these topics and many others that can help you kick-start your space journey. And on top of it all we give you a few hours of career mentoring.

Cursuri Tematice și Workshopuri
Februarie - Mai

Space exploration involves many aspects, from the questions posed by astrophysicists to programming and operating satellites and rovers to creating the first settlements on other planets. If these topics sound interesting to you and if you are preparing for competitions such as NSS Space Settlment Contest, ESA Moon Camp Challenge or the National CanSat Competition then we have the right courses for you.


SpacedIn Events

See details about our events below


Am organizat deja trei webinarii gratuite pe teme special alese pentru elevii interesați de spațiu:  joburile viitorului în industria spațială, proiecte cu temă spațială la liceu sau la facultate.


SpacedIn has recently partnered with Centrul Comunitar Zi de Binean organization that supports NGOs who are just starting out and have limited resources. The Centre brings together workshops, meetings, debates, expos and any activities that can benefit the local communities. Zi de Bine is found at Strada Uranus, Nr. 150, Sector 5, Bucuresti.

SpacedIn has partnered with Nod Makerspacea co-working space tightly connected to the local business community. On top of offering us a stimulating work place, Nod is a community of architects, designers and people passionate about education, just like us. Nod Makerspace is located between the Metro Stations at Timpuri Noi and Mihai Bravu la adresa Splaiul Unirii 160, etajele 1 și 2, Industria Bumbacului, Sector 4, București.


Contact us

We are here for any questions that you may have.